Nayoro stewed Genghis Khan
Nayoro stewed Genghis Khan
Hokkaido’s people first began to eat mutton and lamb during the Taisho period (1912-1926). Until then, sheep had been raised to provide wool for military uniforms, but in order to further promote sheep ranching, it was found necessary to use the meat as well. Genghis Khan barbecued lamb was invented as a way of adapting the particular gaminess of lamb to the suit the local palate.
Genghis Khan is generally known to be served in two styles. In the dipped style, meat is first grilled, then dipped into a special sauce. On the other hand, seasoned Genghis Khan is left to marinate in the sauce before cooking. In Nayoro, the popular style is to stew the meat in a hot pot, together with the sauce and vegetables.
The “Nikuno-Toyo” butcher shop is quite remarkable in Japan for its impressive selection of lamb, from shoulder loin to brisket, loin, leg, and more. “I personally enjoy the leaner cuts,” mentions third-generation company president Moriaki Higashizawa. His company enthusiastically participates in projects to promote lamb cuisine throughout Japan.
Having visited various lamb-producing regions worldwide, Higashizawa found there to be such a great variety of ways to prepare and enjoy lamb that he was inspired to start an online lamb specialty shop.
Nikuno-Toyo sells its own original brand of “Nikomi Jingisukan” (stewed Genghis Khan), which is 60% meat and 40% sauce. As the sauce will reduce during stewing, the seasoning is on the light side.
Some examples of lamb products rarely seen in Japan, such as liver paste, sausages made with organ meats such as heart and kidney, bone-in bacon, smoked heart, and more.
Traditional spices passed on by the indigenous Aborigines of Australia.
Hours: 10a.m. to 5p.m.
Closed: Every Sunday
22-2 Nishi 1-jo Minami 6-chome, Nayoro, Hokkaido, Japan
Tel.: 01654-3-5511