Presented By Hakodate City Museum
During the Edo period (which lasted 1603-1868), the Qing dynasty established a summertime agency at Deren on the right bank of the lower Amur River, and collected tribute from various northern peoples such as the Ulch, Nivkh, and Oroch. In exchange for recognition of their rights to self-govern certain lands, these northern peoples were required to offer valuable furs as tribute to the Qing dynasty, which repaid them with goods such as official dress consisting of silk textiles and ornaments including glass beads.
The northern peoples used these items as trade goods with the Ainu people of Sakhalin, who provided goods such as iron products, rice, and liquor originating from the Wajin people (the dominant ethnic group of mainland Japan). This large-scale trade of goods connected Primorsky, Sakhalin, Ezochi (now Hokkaido) and mainland Japan.
The trade activities of the Ainu people created deep connections between Ezochi and the Asian continent, establishing a strong network that reached as far as mainland Japan. This is a prime example of Ezochi dynamic modern history.
Words Masaharu Taniguchi
Translation by Xene Inc.