What is KAI?

KAI is a magazine built around the concept of going to look for the true Hokkaido.

Because ours is a media property that communicates the true value and appeal of Hokkaido, we walk around places in Hokkaido, looking, listening and interacting with the people in order to carefullycraft content.

KAI began as a quarterly magazine in October 2008, and in spring 2016 it evolved into an online magazine.

Hokkaido is now getting attention from around the world. That is because the environment of Hokkaido and its possibilities are highly regarded. So we are providing some of our content in English as well.

The name "KAI" is derived from "Hokkaido." Hokkaido was named by the Edo period explorer Takeshiro Matsuura. It is said that his inspiration for the name was being told by Ainu elders, "'Kai' refers to a person born on this land."

As someone who was born on this land, we will tell readers about the "present and future of Hokkaido" talked about with pride and affection by the children born here. We will do this together with other people trying to make something here.

As a Hokkaido community developer, our managing company Northerncross Co., Ltd., is creating KAI projects, which clear the way for the potential growth and possibilities of Hokkaido by digging up valuable things, matters and people in the prefecture and connecting them to markets that seek that value in Japan and abroad.

Manager Yamashige Akira
Managing company NorthernCross Corporation
7th Floor, Keiwa Building 3-1 2-Chome Odori Higashi, Chuo-ku Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Tel.: 011-232-3661 Fax.: 011-232-4918


Editor in chief Ida Yukitaka
Editor&Writer Aratame Nanae
Ishida Mie
Inoue Yumi
Shibata Miyuki
Taniguchi Masaharu
Yajima Azusa
Photographer Ito Rumiko
Kurose Michio
Designer Takabe Tomoe
Web engineer Funato Daisuke
Kurosaka Ikumi
Pubilic relations&Editor Tsutsumi Ayaka
Translation Xene Inc.